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In keeping with the original philosophy and impact of art on the creation of the winery, Ex Nihilo specifically designed the winery to showcase the talent of local artists. The connection between wine and art is evident throughout the valley, and Ex Nihilo has established itself as a premiere destination for both. 

Using our established name, Ex Nihilo, and applying it to art, we decided on Creatio Ex Nihilo, or “creation from nothing” for our gallery. Many artists understand this concept as one they face daily as the basis for the creation of original works. 

The artists represented at Creatio Ex Nihilo are hand selected in partnership with Gallery 421. We exclusively show works by emerging and distinguished artists residing primarily in British Columbia. With a focus on contemporary figurative and conceptual abstract art, we exhibit works that demonstrate highly developed technique, material understanding, professional finishing, and creative expression.

Photogallery rendered here.


Artists interested in showing at Creatio Ex Nihilo and feel their artwork would be a good fit are encouraged to apply. 

Please ensure the following are included:

  • A copy of your Curriculum Vitae including exhibition history, gallery affiliations and association memberships.
  • Artist Statement/Artist Biography.
  • 5-10 photos of your work, with accompanying list of materials used, size, date completed and retail price.

Questions regarding the gallery or for submissions:


Gallery 421, 560 Raymer Ave, Kelowna www.gallery421.ca T. (250) 448-8888

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